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Fusion Classes

Simple Fitness
from home

Virtual Barre and Pilates Inspired Classes
Fitness Classes That Feel Good

Plaid Elephant Workouts

When it comes to fitness, it’s important to remember that we’re not superhuman, just average individuals with a desire to improve our health. The good news is that achieving a fit and healthy lifestyle is completely doable, regardless of your fitness level. It’s all about finding a routine that works for you and sticking to it consistently. With live, on-demand, or personal 1-1 options, I try to incorporate this thought into all of my workouts. The key is to start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you progress.  My background in Barre & Pilates adds a fusion into classes designed to help you in everyday functioning. 

Plaid Elephant Workouts

Barre & Pilates Benefits

Barre & Pilates are both great workouts that will positively affect your whole body.

Ease & Reduce Pain

Improve Flexibility

Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Tones Your Muscles

Sleep Better

And So much More

Why Exercise at Home?​

  1. You woke up late again for your studio class and miss another workout! 
  2. By the time you get home from work you turn on the TV and flop on the couch with your dinner and a glass of wine. 
  3. Your kids finish their school day and are running around talking non-stop. Your head aches and you run to hide in the bathroom (the kids still find you, sorry). 
  4. You make it to the gym but humiliation ensues since you can never remember which right the instructor means when you try to do a lunge. 

Anything sound familiar? I GET IT! These are just a few of the reasons why I love exercising at home. A busy schedule or embarrassing coordination should not mean you miss out on exercise. 

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Unlimited On-Demand Classes

Enjoy any on-demand class anytime, anywhere! Your monthly on-demand subscription also allows for 1 free live class per month! If you’d like to join a class please notify me 60-minutes prior to a live class featured on the schedule.

1-Month Memberships

Save on per class booking with a 1-month membership for all live classes. Good for 30 days from first class booking.

Get In Touch



Studio Address

Bellingham, Massachusetts​


(401) 480-7334



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    Practice Barre & Pilates.
    Anytime. Anywhere

    Unlimited On-Demand Classes at the touch of your finger tips. Affordable and convenient.

    Barre & Pilates Classes for Every Level

    Bellingham, Massachusetts


    (401) 480-7334

